Stefan Bischof — Knowledge Graph Researcher

Senior research scientist at Siemens AG Österreich. External lecturer at FH Krems. I received my PhD in Computer Science from TU Wien, where I studied different methods to prepare Linked Data for data analysis under the supervision of Prof. Axel Polleres. My research interests include data management, knowledge representation, and semantic web technologies.


Find a list of most of my publications on DBLP, Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus or Semantic Scholar.

Journal Articles

Iggena T, Bin Ilyas E, Fischer M, Tönjes R, Elsaleh T, Rezvani R, Pourshahrokhi N, Bischof S, Fernbach A, Xavier Parreira J, Schneider P, Smirnov P, Strohbach M, Truong H, González-Vidal A, Skarmeta AF, Singh P, Beliatis MJ, Presser M, Martinez JA, Gonzalez-Gil P, Krogbæk M, Holmgård Christophersen S. IoTCrawler: Challenges and Solutions for Searching the Internet of Things. Sensors, 2021. 21(5):1559. [ DOI ]

Stefan Bischof, Andreas Harth, Benedikt Kämpgen, Axel Polleres and Patrik Schneider. Enriching Integrated Statistical Open City Data by Combining Equational Knowledge and Missing Value Imputation. Journal of Web Semantics: Special Issue on Semantic Statistics, 2017. [ DOI | Preprint ]

Stefan Bischof, Stefan Decker, Thomas Krennwallner, Nuno Lopes, and Axel Polleres. Mapping between RDF and XML with XSPARQL. Journal on Data Semantics, 1(3):147-185, 2012. [ DOI | .pdf ]

Conference Articles

Stefan Bischof, Erwin Filtz, Josiane Xavier Parreira Semantic Smart Readiness Indicator Framework. SEMANTiCS 2024. [ DOI | resource: ]

Stefan Bischof, Erwin Filtz, Josiane Xavier Parreira, and Simon Steyskal. LLM-based Guided Generation of Ontology Term Definitions. ESWC 2024 Industry Track. [ .pdf ]

Stefan Bischof and Gottfried Schenner. Rail Topology Ontology: A Rail Infrastructure Base Ontology. ISWC 2021 Resource Track. [ arXiv preprint | Video of the talk | DOI | resource: ]

Stefan Bischof and Gottfried Schenner. Challenges of Constructing a Railway Knowledge Graph. ESWC 2019 Industry Track. [ DOI | Video of the talk | .pdf ]

Dan Puiu, Stefan Bischof, Bogdan Serbanescu, Septimiu Nechifor, Josiane Parreira, and Herwig Schreiner. A public transportation journey planner enabled by IoT data analytics. Conference on Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks 2017. [ DOI | .pdf ]

Stefan Bischof, Christoph Martin, Axel Polleres, and Patrik Schneider. Collecting, Integrating, Enriching and Republishing Open City Data as Linked Data. ISWC 2015. [ DOI | Video of the talk | .pdf ]

Stefan Bischof, Markus Krötzsch, Axel Polleres, and Sebastian Rudolph. Schema-Agnostic Query Rewriting for OWL QL. In Workshop on Description Logics 2015. [ CEUR ]

Stefan Bischof, Markus Krötzsch, Axel Polleres, and Sebastian Rudolph. Schema-Agnostic Query Rewriting in SPARQL 1.1. In ISWC 2014. [ DOI | .pdf ]

Axel Polleres, Stefan Bischof, and Herwig Schreiner. City Data Pipeline - A report about experiences from using Open Data to gather indicators of city performance. In European Data Forum, 2014. [ Video of the talk | Slides ]

Stefan Bischof and Axel Polleres. RDFS with Attribute Equations via SPARQL Rewriting. ESWC 2013. [ DOI | Video of the talk | Slides | .pdf ]

Stefan Bischof. Optimising XML-RDF Data Integration. Extended Semantic Web Conference 2012. [ DOI | .pdf ]

Aidan Boran, Ivan Bedini, Christopher J. Matheus, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, and Stefan Bischof. An Empirical Analysis of Semantic Techniques Applied to a Network Management Classification Problem. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology 2012. [ DOI ]

Stefan Bischof, Nuno Lopes, and Axel Polleres. Improve Efficiency of Mapping Data between XML and RDF with XSPARQL. Web Reasoning and Rule Systems 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ]

Nuno Lopes, Stefan Bischof, Stefan Decker, and Axel Polleres. On the Semantics of Heterogeneous Querying of Relational, XML and RDF Data with XSPARQL. Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2011. [ http ]

Workshop and Poster Articles

Stefan Bischof, Erwin Filtz, Josiane Xavier Parreira, Simon Steyskal, Michael Baumgart, David Gruber, Maximilian Liebetreu, Florian Rötzer and Stephan Strommer Towards SHACL-based Knowledge Graph Transformation of Visual Domain Knowledge. Posters and Demos Track of SEMANTiCS 2024. [ CEUR ]

Stefan Bischof and Gottfried Schenner. Towards a Railway Topology Ontology to Integrate and Query Rail Data Silos. Posters and Demos Track of ISWC 2020. [ CEUR | Video of the talk ]

Stefan Bischof, Gottfried Schenner, Simon Steyskal and Richard Taupe. Integrating Semantic Web Technologies and ASP for Product Configuration. Config Workshop 2018. [ CEUR ]

Mónica Posada-Sánchez, Stefan Bischof, and Axel Polleres. Extracting Geo-Semantics About Cities From OpenStreetMap. Posters and Demos Track of SEMANTiCS 2016. [ CEUR ]

Stefan Bischof, Christoph Martin, Axel Polleres, and Patrik Schneider. Open City Data Pipeline: Collecting, Integrating, and Predicting Open City Data. Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Meets Linked Open Data co-located with Extended Semantic Web Conference 2015. [ CEUR ]

Stefan Bischof Improving Practical Reasoning on top of SPARQL. Doctoral Consortium of the International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems 2015. [ .pdf ]

Daniele Dell'Aglio, Axel Polleres, Nuno Lopes, and Stefan Bischof. Querying the Web of Data with XSPARQL 1.1. ISWC2014 Developers Workshop 2014. [ CEUR ]

Gottfried Schenner, Stefan Bischof, Axel Polleres, and Simon Steyskal. Integrating Distributed Configurations with RDFS and SPARQL. Config Workshop 2014. [ CEUR ]

Stefan Bischof, Athanasios Karapantelakis, Cosmin-Septimiu Nechifor, Amit Sheth, Alessandra Mileo, and Payam Barnaghi. Semantic Modelling of Smart City Data. W3C Workshop on the Web of Things 2014. [ .pdf ]

Stefan Bischof, Axel Polleres, and Simon Sperl. City Data Pipeline - A System for Making Open Data Useful for Cities. I-SEMANTICS Posters & Demonstrations Track 2013. [ CEUR ]

Nuno Lopes, Stefan Bischof, Orri Erling, Axel Polleres, Alexandre Passant, Diego Berrueta, Antonio Campos, Jérôme Euzenat, Kingsley Idehen, Stefan Decker, Stéphane Corlosquet, Jacek Kopecky, Janne Saarela, Thomas Krennwallner, Davide Palmisano, and Michal Zaremba. RDF and XML: Towards a Unified Query Layer. W3C Workshop on RDF Next Steps 2010. [ .pdf ]


Josiane Xavier Parreira, Stefan Bischof, Lukas Krammer, Andreas Fernbach. Method for Automatically Computing Automation Capabilities of a Building. [ Espacenet ]

Stefan Bischof, Lukas Krammer, Daniel Lechner, Josef Wechselauer. Building Automation Device and Method. [ Espacenet ]


Stefan Bischof. Complementary Methods for the Enrichment of Linked Data. PhD thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 2017. [ DOI | Rigorosum slides ]

Stefan Bischof. Implementation and Optimisation of Queries in XSPARQL. Master's thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 2010. [ metadata | .pdf ]


Stefan Bischof, Benedikt Kämpgen, Andreas Harth, Axel Polleres, and Patrik Schneider. Open City Data Pipeline. Working Papers on Information Systems, Information Business and Operations 01/2017, Department für Informationsverarbeitung und Prozessmanagement, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, February 2017. [ http ]

Stefan Bischof, Markus Krötzsch, Axel Polleres, and Sebastian Rudolph. Schema-Agnostic Query Rewriting in SPARQL 1.1: Technical report. 2014. [ .pdf ]

Programme committees and reviewing

AAAI, AMW, ESWC, ISWC, Semantics, Semantic Web Journal, Information Sciences, …

Contact me

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Funded projects

© Stefan Bischof